Primera Bunion Surgery
The post-operative course for bunion surgery includes a sterile dressing and a walking boot. The dressing is not to be changed, tampered with, or get wet until seen by your tadalafil doctor one week after surgery. Patients are permitted to walk on the operative foot as tolerated immediately after surgery, unless otherwise instructed. One to two weeks after surgery, all bandages are removed and patients are transitioned to a supportive athletic shoe as tolerated with a compression sock. It is at this point that patients are permitted to get the foot wet in the shower.
It is recommended that patients prednisone take a minimum of 3 days off from work to recover from anesthesia and the procedure. As a general guideline, activities should be decreased for six weeks as post-operative pain and swelling will be directly correlated to your activities. While healing rates differ among individuals, cold therapy, foot elevation, and rest will all help to aid in a smooth recovery after your procedure.
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We are a fully integrated medical practice that specializes in medical and surgical treatment for foot and ankle problems.